
A Pentecost Sunday Reflection

Fragility of seed

Cracked open in order to grow

Planted in good deep soil

Bringing life from death.

Readiness of soil

Anticipation of a good crop

Stones and thorns removed 

Ground broken, sifted.

Water of life poured over us

Providing nourishment

Working Your mystery with Light

Repent, be baptized

Sins departed, dividing east and west.

The seed-turned-root

Seeks deep earth for security

Holding on to strong soil for dear life

While going underground for the water of life that nourishes.

Roots grow stronger in Wind.

Roaring Wind of Spirit

Infiltrating root structure

Climbing through sturdy trunk

Becoming evident through

Fruit, leaf, needle, blossom.

Winds of affliction

Feeling its burn on our cheeks

Seeking refuge from storm

Seed cones broken open in order to

Travel to new places for planting

Picked up by the swirling winds in the fire of adversity

A new forest planted.

Respite from the storm when needed

A high crag where I run for dear life

Hiding behind boulders

Safe in granite hideouts.

Safety as He brings me

Right into His presence

While His hurricane anger brings about justice

While shrewdly working around evil intentions.

I name the evil in my yearning for redemption, for restoration.

He gives Word, the language of prayer in action

Like a bloom-seed that drops back into good soil for the next crop

For the next generation of trees.

Seed-words of love and life

To be carried by the Wind once more, to take root in other places

To bring forth new text, language, structure, a place to belong

A word spread forth through different lungs and mouths

And the cycle of death and resurrected life continues.

Blow, Mysterious Wind, Blow. Your kingdom come.

Photo by Khamkeo Vilaysing on Unsplash

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