
Violet's Peace Certificat

We were video chatting when Violet showed us the certificate she received from her teacher, honoring her for exemplifying the character trait peace. I asked her what she did to show that trait at her school. There was a poignant pause; then she said, “Well, I know a lot about friendship and kindness, and I’m still learning about peace.” What an honest and vulnerable response. She is still learning what peace is and how to exemplify it. I guess it’s only through the eyes of others that we can truly be known as peacemakers.

Peace is often mistaken as the absence of conflict. The holidays can be filled with ways we try to figure out how to “keep the peace” and not rock the boat with friends or family members who have different opinions about politics, religion, gender, or justice. We refrain from hot button issues with some sense of wisdom and grace, for these topics may get in the way of loving one another, therefore preventing a closer connection. We do the dance and navigate our way around sensitive topics. There may be a time and place in which to have these important conversations; perhaps not around the Christmas tree or table.

True peace seems so out of reach these days, doesn’t it? Where is it found? Isaiah 9 reminds us that Jesus would be called the “Prince of Peace.” “Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end.”

Henri Nouwen named the secret of claiming true peace when he wrote, “Keep your eyes on the prince of peace, the one who doesn’t cling to his divine power; the one who refuses to turn stones into bread, jump from great heights, and rule with great power…the one who touches the lame, the crippled, and the blind, the one who speaks words of forgiveness and encouragement…Keep your eyes on Him who became poor with the poor, weak with the weak. He is the source of all peace.”

I think Violet is on to something. The key to discovering more about true peace is to keep the friendship and kindness going. We claim true peace by allowing the presence of Christ to dwell and His peace to rule in our hearts. “If it is possible, as far as it depends upon you, live at peace with everyone.” (Romans 12:18)