Advent as Invitation

He says, “Come to me you weary ones

And I will give you rest,”

We tend to forget this invitation

While we shop and bake with zest.

We can’t take time this season

To practice a different rhythm;

There’s too much on the “to do” list

To spend quiet time with him.

But right now in this season

Of Christmastide and cheer

A soft and sweet remembrance

Is whispered in my ear.

“I came to earth to know you

And deepen our embrace;

It’s an invitation to slow down

And see me face to face.”

Mary had this kind of spirit

As she pondered a deep mystery;

Zechariah, not so much

As he pressed the angel for certainty.

(And we all know how that turned out!)

Advent bids our openness

To the things we do not know

Because the veil has not been lifted

In its totality to show…

How God came down in poverty,

In grace and truth and love

To show us a humility

That can only come from above.

The last shall be first and the first shall be last

It’s a brand new kingdom rule

It starts in the heart and then proceeds

Through generous small acts of good deeds.

It means open-handed goodness

To bless and care for others

No clenched fists or disregard

Toward our sisters and our brothers.

We’re all created in His image

No red or blue affiliation

The same blood flows from every cut

Regardless of our station.

The demands of life can break us

As we go about this season

But it’s the breaks in simple silence

That remind us of the reason….

That Advent is a time of year

To be aware, attentive, and awake

To the Word’s desire to break in

In a whisper, not earthquake.

He will not force you to slow down,

It’s a practice only you can do

Of mindfulness and attention

To His gentle voice that breaks through…

As He brings to mind the people

Whom you can bless and gently care for

With a note, a text or phone call

Or one whom you can pray for.

So take the time for silence

Knowing it’s an invitation

We work best from our rest

With the One who grants salvation.

“This is what the sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: ‘In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it.” Isaiah 30:15

“Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

“The Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighborhood. We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory, generous inside and out, true from start to finish.” John 1:14, The Message.

2 thoughts on “Advent as Invitation

  1. Each paragraph of your poem
    Has meaning of its own,
    Through demands of the season
    Compassion and love
    Must be shown.

    From morning through night
    Graced by our Creator,
    All creatures equally blessed
    Both sides of equator.

    “I asked for all Things
    That I may enjoy Life,
    He gave me life
    That I may enjoy all

    We honor our Father by
    A Life lived in gratitude
    In servitude to others,
    So gather His blessings
    All sisters and Brothers!

    Pray for the burdened, weary and living in desperation. That as we are blessed with the gift of time, the King of Kings will fill their hearts with faith and hope.

    “Advent “Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

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