(According to Mary’s Song in Luke 1)
An orderly detailed account
Was given by Dr. Luke.
He wrote of all that happened,
The twists and turns it took.
He started with the mystery
Of John’s miraculous birth
Then moved right onto Mary,
Birthing the Savior of the earth.
Elizabeth, heavy with child
Greeted Mary as chosen and blessed
And Mary broke out and sang
Of things God of old had promised.
How could she have known so much
At such an early tender age
Of His mercy amid such disruption
As God Almighty had turned the page.
She spoke of the downfall of rulers
The sending away of the rich
The God who gave her prophetic voice
Is about to flip the switch…
On the proud who use God’s name
To stifle and mistreat the poor,
He’s about to lift up the humble
Through a baby they cannot ignore.
So the shepherds were given a sign
As the heavenly host did attest
To a babe lying in a manger
The One on whom His favor rests.
Mary treasured up all of these things
And pondered them in her heart
To glorify God in His plan
That gave her such a big part…
In the good news of salvation
The gospel to humankind
Of a Savior wrapped in the poorest of clothes
Who would suffer and give up his life.
As Simeon dedicated the infant child
He looked directly at Mary’s face
The hearts of many will be revealed
A sign of religious disgrace.
His life would be a sacrifice
The sword would pierce her soul
To bring atonement for our sins
A chosen people to console.
There is a way of freedom
We only can know it through Christ
That babe that Mary held in her arms
Would pay the ultimate price.
God is the trustworthy Weaver
Of the tapestry of your life
Your story is one of many threads
He weaves through the joys and the strife…
To create a thing of beauty
His very best version of you
Birthed in the pains and delivery
Of the knots and the threads that are smooth.
So take a look in the mirror
Rejoice in what you see
The humble heart of a servant who says,
“May your word be so for me.”
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash.com