Several months ago, two friends shared some of the challenges of putting down new roots in an unfamiliar place with their families. Among the challenges were new relationships/schooling for their kids, different weather patterns to adjust to, a new church to be tethered to, to name a few. These changes have required courage to navigate…
Author: Linda Miller
Silent Saturday: The Liminal Space to Heal
I’ve tweaked a piece I wrote during the Lenten season two years ago. I hope it will be an encouragement for you to tell your story in light of God’s companionship and compassion for where you find yourself. For some, that may be a time of waiting for upcoming medical appointments, hope for reconciliation in…
Maundy Thursday
Today is Maundy Thursday, which, according to John 13:1, showed “the full extent” of Jesus’ love. The time when the Savior of the world bent down to wash the dirty feet of the disciples. The ceremony of extending a special meal to imperfect humans. A couple years ago Mark and I had the privilege of…
Ash Wednesday: From Dust to Clay
(Reflections from Genesis 1-2, Job 41, Psalm 8 and 22, and John 8) “The season of Lent, during which winter and spring struggle with each other for dominance, helps us in a special way to cry out for God’s mercy.” -Henri Nouwen, Show Me the Way He bent low, picked up a handful of dust…
New Year Aspirations
May we pack up all our suitcases Of crippling contradictions And store them in our closets With our misconceived predictions… That life will be so utterly grand This year will be so different If we just do more of the things, Being positive and deliberate. Let’s first admit we have little control Over much of…