Forty Poignant Rhymes for Lent

“What rhymes with Lent?” This question popped into my head several weeks ago as I was pondering what to write about during this season. As silly as it might seem, forty rhyming words came to me pretty quickly and have a related connection to this season of self-reflection, penitence, and prayer. So as not to overwhelm you with all forty verses at once, I’m just going to post eight today, since this is Day 9 of Lent (not counting Sunday). I’ll keep adding over the next few days.

As you read the short verses, pause and perhaps ask how God might want to influence and shape you. For instance, verse one speaks of one aspect of Ash Wednesday. That verse may lead you to remember this verse in Psalm 90:12, “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” I know I need daily wisdom. We might pray, “God, how would you like to order this day? May I be attentive to Your voice of love directing throughout the day. Help me stay attuned to You.” 

Personally, I am thinking of many friends of mine who have recently had their lives cracked open by sudden medical news that will require weeks and months of treatment. It has rocked their worlds. This Lenten season finds their hearts and souls rent open in a new and vulnerable way, and it’s hard to take it all in. Their daily lives have taken a sudden turn, and they are placing all of their difficult steps before the Lord, asking for merciful healing and tender prayerful support from others. I wish I could change the news or take away the hard stuff. They inspire me with their courage to put one foot in front of the other. You may also have friends who are suffering. Perhaps you are walking and living the suffering yourself. Our hearts are expanded in compassion as we see others’ courage and attempt to walk alongside them so they are not alone. Whenever they come to the forefront of my mind, I am reminded to pray. Words seem inadequate, and the Spirit intercedes because we have One who knows the path of suffering. He walks the valley with them intimately.

Which particular verse of this poem speaks to you personally? May we all be encouraged to stay on the pathway of Lent in a way that speaks to and enlarges our hearts toward Love.

Lord, hear our prayers.

The Purpose of Lent

The purpose of Lent

honors the dusty event

of our mortality rubbed on our foreheads.

The purpose of Lent

has the power to rent

open our souls.

The purpose of Lent

navigates a road bent

on its way to the cross.

The purpose of Lent

leads on a journey meant

to expand and crack open.

The purpose of Lent

in a temporary tent

with just enough manna for a day.

The purpose of Lent

makes a dent

on the vanities and vices of life.

The purpose of Lent

reveals the pent-up

idol worships that diminish us.

The purpose of Lent

coaxes us to vent

our frustrations, our fears, and our faith.

Every week I will add eight more rhymes for us to ponder.

5 thoughts on “Forty Poignant Rhymes for Lent

  1. Love it! The endless ways we can put letters and words, colors, and notes together are truly a reflection of God’s creative heart created in us. Your “-ent” word family rhyme reflects God’s glory, and the sounds strung together make words come to life that convey deep meaning with few words😊

    1. Hey, my friend! Thank you so much! Actually, the way you wrote that comment makes me think you need to write a guest post! I appreciate you so much.

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